“I've known Kiki since 2003, when she was providing Personnel Services
to the organization I was working with, and we have continued
our professional relationship up to the present day.

I have found that Kiki is a dedicated, knowledgeable and
personable professional recruiter that I have the privilege to know.
Her knowledge and ability to technically and personally connect with the business unit and candidates regarding the job specification always provides a quality project outcome.

I highly recommend her and would gladly have the ability to work with her again in the future.”

— William, Client

“Kiki is a great matchmaker and has a knack for pairing her clients with
the perfect employees, and vice versa with her candidates.
I would suggest her to any company with an ongoing recruitment campaign,
as she will get the position filled with the perfect candidate.
Personally, Kiki is also very caring, genuine and understanding,
and knows how to make the most of her relationships.”

— Amber Wyatt, long time client, owner of Coastal Dreams, LLC.


“Kiki does an amazing job.
She took my case, did the best interview ever
and found me a perfect match with a company
that helped me further develop my skills.
Over a decade later, I have been able to work
with very important clients for Global Companies.
I owe it to her for opening that door for me!”

— Keyla, Candidate

“Kiki has been a valued support for
our staff recruiting needs for the past 6 years.
She has provided exceptional service and
solid advice in all areas of the recruiting process.
I highly recommend Kiki for any of your recruiting needs.”

— Hugh, Client

“Kiki is great to work with! She understands the industry standards
very well and is very proactive when it comes to recruiting and finding adequate candidates to fill a position.”
— Gabi, Client

“Kiki is an excellent recruiter.
She takes the time to get to know you
and and really assess where your attributes
will fit with the potential employer.
She works hard to find the right fit.
You can really count on her to work for you,
unlike many in her industry.”

— Karin, Candidate

“I have worked with Kiki a few times,
she is very energetic, willing to assist and observes
the potential in recruits for positions.
She is very understanding, yet professional.
She makes you feel like you are part of the team
and wants to help you meet your expectations.
Look forward to working with her again.”

— Scott, Candidate

“I have been acquainted with Kiki for about 3 years,
she is a professional Staffing Consultant that
looks for the best job that fit your qualifications.”

— Debra, Candidate

“As a client of Kiki Treichel, I recommend her as a hiring professional.
Kiki does a great job of assessing the fit between the employer
and employee. This makes for a win/win result for her clients.”

— Sharon, Client

“I highly recommend Kiki Treichel for all your recruiting needs.
She's one of the hardest working people I know and is able
to deliver high quality candidates in a quick timely manner.
She is driven to providing the best not only to her customers,
but her clients as well.”

— Michelle, Client